Youlden Parkville Community Cricket Fund 2024

Youlden Parkville Community Cricket Fund 2024





Many community clubs around Australia are hanging on by a thread.

Late last year the Australian Sports Foundation released a startling health check on community clubs. They found rising costs and falling revenue are pushing almost one in five community sporting clubs to the brink of collapse. More than one in four clubs are also reporting a decline in registrations among 15-19 year-olds.

We know we're doing something right because we fielded 23 senior and junior teams last season. But it's a stark reminder that Youlden Parkville needs to keep investing in our players, volunteers and leaders if we're to remain strong.

Because a club was strong yesterday it's not a guarantee it'll be so tomorrow.

Your donation will allow Youlden Parkville to do three big things that will help keep our club being a great place for cricketers of all ages and abilities.


Develop the unique talents of female and male cricketers as they move from junior to senior cricket and establish themselves as successful adult players.

Last season we employed 19 coaches to lead senior and junior cricket programs.

We've recruited and hired a fantastic group skilled coaches who combine years of international, national, premier and community cricket experience with a passion for helping our players be the best they be on and off the field.

Our coaches gives our club the capability to provide diverse cricket experiences to our female and male players across a wide range of skill levels and ages.

They allow us to run junior cricket holiday and school programs. They allow was to offer great exeperiences. For example, some young female and male players will participate in our new Team Leaders Squad. It'll offer intensive sessions for young female and players players to build their on skills, strength and condition to avoid injury, and mental and physical wellbeing strategies.


We always have to create new leaders at our club. One way we do this is by training young players to become coaches. We train and support teenage players to learn how to encourage and teach young players in the 5 - 9 years age groups. Coaches recieve a small financial reward and are expected to be reliable and ethasiastic in return. This experience builds the coaches confidence and skills, and (even if they don't realise it sometimes!) transforms them into club leaders.


As a club we always need to keep improving and innovating. Last season, Zoe Sharman (who joined YP a handful of years ago and plays in our senior womens teams) established a Inclusive Cricket Program. YPCC had never had such a program before.

The inclusive Cricket Program is a free weekly program for children with disabilities, autism, physcosocial challenges or additional support needs.

Zoe was supported by a wonderful team of YP coaches to deliver the Inclusion program. We started small in 2023/24 and have big hopes that we offer a fantastic cricket experience for kids with special support needs in 2024/25. Cricket is a game for all, and we want to be a part of making those words a reality.

Help us by making a donation today.

  • Cricket

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The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit





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Meredith Goss

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Farhan Ulhaq

Good luck Y Park for the next season


Ciara Boyle

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Your donation to this project is tax deductible

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit