Belmont Lions Sports Club-major female netball change room facilities upgrade

Belmont Lions Sports Club-major female netball change room facilities upgrade





In recent years our grass roots club has been hugely successful in growing participation in our seniors/junior netball teams to 7 ( seniors x4) and juniors x3). We also have 9 male football teams in seniors (2) and juniors (7)

However we are failing to adequately support our female members as there are no dedicated change rooms during the cold winter months. We are grateful that the council has provided a small porta shed (with no showers) located in the car park. Clearly this is woefully inadequate for more than 100 players on Saturdays and is putting the whole clubs development at risk and does not meet our commitment to the community.

During this unprecedented period across the world in the first half of 2020, the club has taken stock of why we exist and our core purpose, which is to provide equal access to all in our community to sport at a grassroots level.

This is despite serious short term challenges for the club with the likelihood of no competitions going forward this year and generally a lack of normal income streams.  

The leaders of the club have reflected on this have decided to set a strategic and positive imperative, with a clear target to deliver a fully funded, 'shovel ready' and started the build program with the next three years.

We are determined to raise at least $100,000 over the 2 year period as our contribution to this ambitious and exciting project. Based on earlier concept drawing its anticipated that the overall project will be in the range of $600k to $800k. Included in this is to leverage the upgrades to further increase participation with the introduction of at least two new female football teams. 

We will achieve this by working , as we have in the past, in partnership with our club members, local communities, local businesses, corporate partners and government.

Help us make our 2020 vision a reality by making a generous tax donation today.  

  • Australian Football

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