EmpowerHer Sport - Transforming Lives

EmpowerHer Sport - Transforming Lives





The concept of empowerHer Sport has been borne from the incredible success of the Run Antarctica project, led by Dr Donna Urquhart - Associate Professor, Pain Scientist / Medical Researcher, Physiotherapist, multi - Australian Representative in ultra distance running, and now Guinness World Record holder following her incredible 1400km ultramarathon in Antarctica.


The driving force for the whole Run Antarctica project came from the desire to make a difference to young female sportspersons, to help them reach their potential, believe in their dreams, have the coping skills to survive tough times, and above all, to change the alarming statistic that around 50% of young females have dropped out of sport by the age of 15


Phase 1 of our journey, “The Run Antarctica Project”, has already seen the team achieve incredible success:

  • Guinness World Record and a Historic Female-First Ultramarathon record in Antarctica
  • World-Wide Media Coverage (an audience reach of 952 million people & over 1000 media publications)
  • State-wide Speaking Tour involving Keynote presentations to schools, corporations, council, charities, and local sporting communities
  • Multidisciplinary Scientific Study 
  • Establishment of a Not-For-Profit Organisation, empowerHer Sport

With the successful completion of Run Antarctica, we now enter the second phase of our quest to transform the lives of young female athletes - locally, nationally, and eventually internationally! Our newly founded Not-For-Profit organisation empowerHer Sport is the keystone of this second phase.



Our mission is to transform the approach to school and community sport for young girls and women in Australia.


We envision a future where sport serves as a powerful platform for females to cultivate a comprehensive set of holistic skills—physical, mental, emotional, and social—enhancing their enjoyment, participation, and performance in sport, while also promoting their overall health and wellbeing.


Our ultimate goal is to retain young females in sport and boost participation numbers by providing a nurturing environment that empowers them to reach their full potential.


“By pushing my own physical boundaries, I want to show females what’s

possible when you harness the power of the body and mind.”

-       Donna Urquhart



  • Young people can find sport “stressful”.
  • Participation rates in sport are significantly lower for females than males.
  • Female participation rates drop from 46% in 5-14 age group to 21% in 15-19, a drop of over 50%.
  • These participation rates halve again in the age groups 20-24 (10%) and 25-29 (7%).




Research shows four key areas are responsible for the large drop-out rate from sport of young female sportspeople during their adolescent years. It is the goal of empowerHer Sport to devise, develop and disseminate educational programs that directly impact these key areas:

  • Physical barriers - (pain; injury)
  • Mental barriers - (lack of confidence; body image concerns; not valuing sport)
  • Emotional barriers - (fear of losing; feeling too much pressure; fear of being judged)
  • Social barriers - (peer pressure not to participate; social stereotyping; harassment)

“The first week in Antarctica was overwhelming. I felt ongoing pain in my knees and feet. My confidence was at a low. I felt the pressure of running 50km per day. I was scared, the temperature was below -20°C and wind of up to 80km/hr and I couldn’t see the ground. I worried about the safety of my team. I cried out in the snow. “

-       Donna Urquhart (Day 3 of her epic 26 day ultramarathon world record run in Antarctica)




  • The physical, psychological and social benefits of sports are well recognised.
  • The education benefits equate to AU$5 billion annually. 
  • The combined economic, health and education benefits of sport returns $7 for every $1 invested.
  • There is a high prevalence of mental health issues, obesity and eating disorders in this demographic.


empowerHer Sport is committed to increasing female participation and retention in sport as a foundation for an empowered life, through:

  • Raising Awareness about the key barriers that contribute to the 50%+ drop out rate from sport of female adolescents. We will also raise awareness about the enormous benefits of a sporting life, and how important it is that we strive to keep our young athletes in sport.
  • Educational Tools & Programs: empowerHer Sport will develop research based programs to help provide a mental toolbox for young females in community sports. This mental toolbox will teach the skills needed to overcome the previously determined barriers to participating in sport. We will work with sporting bodies to create holistic programs for girls
  • Evidence Based Research. Whilst there is an abundance of information about sport participation rates, and barriers to remaining in sport, there is a scarcity of research that has gone into determining the best ways to overcome these issues. Through our educational tools and programs, we aim to provide some evidence based research that will form a foundation for change, contributing to a reversal in the statistics we are currently seeing.
  • Supportive Communities. No one can create these programs alone, and no-one can overcome the barriers to sport alone. Together, as researchers, coaches, parents, volunteers and athletes empowerHer Sport will foster and grow supportive communities to ensure that nobody does it alone.


Every great journey starts with a small step. With the Run Antarctica journey behind us, the empowerHer Sport team now begin with the step of developing a new conceptual model for sport – a model that both holistic (to address the four key barriers to remaining in sport) and personalised (to embrace every unique individual that comes our way).


This first step will involve a pilot program two modules of the mental toolkit that we believe is critical to help young girls navigate the challenges of sport. These two modules will be:

●     Module 1: Mental skills targeting self-confidence

●     Module 2: Physical skills targeting pain and injury

To help us develop these programs, and roll them out within local community, we need your help. Developing our mental toolkit educational systems requires funding, and all funds donated via the ASF site go directly into building these holistic and personalised programs.

Donate now and be a part of the empowerHer Sport mission in Transforming Lives of young females.

  • Multi-Sport

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The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit https://asf.org.au/faqs





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Jaydee Steel

You are such inspiring people and I wish you all t...


You are such inspiring people and I wish you all the best with the foundation. The more support for female sport the better.


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Fantastic session at Old Yarra Football Club, trul...


Fantastic session at Old Yarra Football Club, truly inspiring work!

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The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit https://asf.org.au/faqs