Newcastle To Bathurst Fundraising Bike Ride
Newcastle To Bathurst Fundraising Bike Ride


Your donation is supporting Merewether Greens Rugby Foundation
Visit websiteThe Merewether Greens Rugby Foundation is excited about the inaugural Newcastle to Bathurst Fundraising bike ride event in March.
MCRC Welfare and Wellbeing Working Group has implemented a unique program that supports its junior and senior players, coaches and managers to access psychological services and we have ambitions of tackling concussion and injury rehabilitation over the coming years.
Our club recently engaged NewPsych to create the “Greens Assistance Program”, offering confidential mental health counselling and support to our Greens community.
The club has identified the importance of both mental and physical well-being for its players and community and is committed to delivering these services.
This is a groundbreaking initiative for a local rugby club and a first for the Hunter.
Given the significant cost of these services, we are aiming to raise $100K to support the welfare and well-being program.
A group of adventurous souls will embark on an epic 3-day ride from Newcastle to Bathurst to culminate with our yearly preseason club trials against Bathurst Rugby Club.
The ride will depart Newcastle on Thursday 21 March arriving into Bathurst Saturday 23 March 2024.
If you can please show your support by donating an amount, big or small and help us reach our goal of supporting the wellness and wellbeing of our players.
The Merewether Greens Rugby Foundation has been established with the sole purpose of supporting the development of the Merewether-Carlton Rugby Club, a member of the Newcastle and Hunter Rugby Union, in its on- and off-field endeavours.
These are the club’s guiding objectives which are fully supported by the Foundation:
- Securing our club’s future
- Promoting social inclusion and community engagement
- On-field success through pursuit of elite performance
- Providing development and pathway opportunities for young players
To meet those objectives, The Merewether Rugby Foundation will serve as the club’s fundraising arm, providing a vehicle for players, sponsors, friends and supporters to offer cash and in-kind donations and engage in fund-raising activities.
The Foundation proposes to utilize the auspicing arrangements available through the Australian Sports Foundation to maximise the opportunity for tax deductible donating.
The Foundation has been established as a separate entity from the club, and has a company trustee with a board comprising eight Directors with a diverse range of experience and professional skills, all sharing a passion to see the Club continue to thrive into and achieve all of its objectives.
- Rugby Union
Your donation to this project is tax deductible
The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit
Recent donations
Direct Personnel Services
Steve Grogan
Isabel Dixon
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Your donation to this project is tax deductible
The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on our website are tax deductible. Shortly after making your donation, you'll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return. If you have any questions about your donation, please visit